welcome to the personal criticism blog

this is my personal blog, and everything posted here is from my personal experience, and it's my point of view, criticism of how i see things from my perspective. Since there's freedom of speech, I'm free to say or post my own opinion. If someone feels offended, you can report.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Muslims brainwashing kids

1500 years back, the Prophet Mohammad reached east and west with his conquests, and islam was spreaded to many non Arabic countries, back then, it was glorious era for Islam and muslims.

Many non Arabic countries in the east follow Islam, if not the country it self, then lots of people in the country. As many know that Quraan is Arabic, and it’s really hard to be understood because of its complexity, even for Arabic native speakers.
There are a lot of explanations for Quraan to make people understand what does it mean, but also, one single letter pronunciation can change the meaning of the word which will then change the meaning of the entire sentence in Quraan which people aren’t usually aware of because they think, whatever religion men say makes them right, which is kind of absurd.
I can’t tell if these who call themselves Theologians are wrong, but I also sure they’re not completely right, a lot of flaws and mysteries still exist and remain unexplained.

I’ve once read translations in English for Quraan, and I gotta say, it’s completely bullshit translation, it cannot be translated to other languages this easy as they think, but some say there are explanations in English for example in order for non Arabic speaker people to understand the meaning. And I still believe even explanations are also bullshit.

Back to the main point of the topic, non Arabic muslim speakers use often few Arabic words such as “Allah” & “haram” , while they are speaking in English let’s say. But if they use these Arabic words, they should be able to speak Arabic at least.
“Allah” means “The God”, of which they are aiming to the particular god that exists. And “Haram” means “forbidden” and can be also used in Arabic as “poor”.
So people non Arabic muslim speakers, they would say about something for example “this is haram”, is it hard for them to sayin “this is forbidden” instead?
Or “there is no god but allah”, what the fuck is that? Can’t they just say it all in Arabic for example!
The awkward thing is about seeing kids who were taught about things automatically without realizing the reason behind it, for example, eating pork is “haram” why? Nobody knows. Drinking alcohol is “haram” why? Noone knows.
And what’s even worse than that, is teaching kids that other religions are bad in a way. I’ve seen these kids acts.
A friend of mine who’s Christian, was babysitting 2 Pakistani girls, the first question they asked my friend was “are you Christian?” because of the cross on her neck, and they were kind of surprised, as if that was so bad. And they asked her if she eats pork, she replied “yes”. So these girls said “ohhh, this is haram”.

Come to think of it, what kinda fucked up education the moron parents were giving? Teaching these little girls things in a bad manner, and using terrorizing system in order to make them comply and follow orders! How? By telling them that God will send them to hell and they will be suffering a thousand time in life after death if they didn’t do this or that. And yet they say that Islam is the best religion.
Fuck that, let’s say Islam was the best or the greatest religion ever existed, Muslims are proving the opposite that it’s the worst ever.
The reality is that Islam is religion or forgiveness, love, accepting and respecting other religions regardless what they were. But are muslims accepting any other religion? NO. so muslims still showing their aggressiveness toward all other religions, which reflect the image of Islam being so bad.
But come to think of it, muslims already proven Islam as a bad and offensive religion, because, even muslims themselves don’t accept each others, so how do you expect these muslims to accept non muslim people? Never gonna happen.

So these mother fucker parents who terrorize their kids in order to follow orders without knowing the reason behind it, and why is it good or bad for the human being for doing this or that, it’s the same as those monkeys that were locked in the cage and whichever tries to reach the banana, the rest of the monkeys just beat the shit out of it without knowing the reason why. This is most Muslims, the monkeys which are just doing this or that without using their none existing fucked up brain to know the reason behind it. It means they don’t have the ability to think for themselves and to do something really useful, which is the act of sheep. So yea good for them, it’s better to just go eat some grass.
What a shame for brainwashing kids, and even these kids, when they grow up, they would lose the ability to think for themselves sometimes.
I once was talking to a none Arabic speaker person who was muslim, and I was wondering, if they don’t speak Arabic at all, how come they think they understand quraan? The reply was, that there’s something called “tafseer” that they read, which means “explanation”, that made me go backward again, what exists in these explanations isn’t totally correct, and as I mentioned earlier, a One letter miss pronunciation, can change the meaning of the word, and therefore the meaning of the sentence. And it actually happened many times, and I’ve seen it my self.
So I believe so many muslims are going the wrong way. In fact, I don’t believe, but I’m pretty sure of it, there are countless things that I can tell, but this is only for one topic each. And the easiest prove about going the wrong way, by including politics within religion, and muslim divided, and then killing each others. That’s enough for me to show how bad muslims are, and the real bad image they are reflecting about their religion.

I heard some people say that “Islam will win in the end”.  Ummm ok, will win what btw? First prize of representing terrorism? The first prize of killing? Yea, I couldn’t agree more.
I keep hearing muslims talking and talking about some fictions without seeing any good acts, that’s what Islam is all about?

These mother fuckers aren’t getting any better since years passed by. They will remain either animals or sheep, and yes they have the right to chose between these two.
In the end I couldn’t give a fuck about who likes what I think or doesn’t. that’s my own opinion.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Muslims Hajj' ritual "Jamarat Stoning"

It’s been some time I didn’t write anything, obviously because the lack of time.
In fact there are lots of things happening across the globe and many topics can be written.
I have decided to write about something called “Jamarat Stoning”.
What is Jamarat Stoning?
Jamarat is an area in Saudi Arabia, of which they say Satan appeared to the prophet 1500 years ago, and it became a part of rituals during muslims’ Hajj.
As they say, it’s about 3 pillars of which represent Devil, and the person who goes there must throw 21 stones separated to those 3 pillars (7 stones on each). How does it look like? It looks like this:

The fact is, I see it’s really, really retarded, if satan appeared 1500 years back and made that place a symbol to curse satan and throw rocks on it, that’s totally bullshit.

Satan appeared in different places probably, why they wouldn’t make those places also a symbol to throw stones and curse Satan? Or that place called Jamarat is the closest while doing the hajj rituals?
Even so, this still bullshit, a person cannot just throw stones to a 1500 years old place in order to kick Satan away, that’s clumsy. Devil in fact exist in every person’s heart, not in a silly place where they should throw stones at, and look at these people in this video, how happy they are throwing stones! Hahahaha. Idiots.
Most of these people become even worse after they finish all these rituals and come back home, I’ve seen a lot of them, they way the act after “washing their sins” as they think.

This stupid act isn’t something to really wash their sins, if somebody wants to wash his/her sins, it’s easy to ask God for forgiveness, But of course they shouldn’t be sinning again, or doing what they used to do, but most people think the other way, if someone can’t see them, they can just slip something from their sleeves, knowing that nobody can see them. But God can.
Plus, there’s no need for someone to be a middle man between a person and God, God can probably hear everybody, since these people say God is great, means he can hear them, and see their prayers.

Anyway, I wonder how would people go there, take photos and record of what they’re doing, throwing stones at pillars, oh I mean on “satan” and curse him. That’s really bullshit, it became just a tradition, and people are doing it without thinking, just being happy throwing 21 stones, like that reminds them of their childhood haha.

This is sick, and I mean it, I really hope they keep recording and posting videos on youtube to show the world how pathetic they are, and muslims say they want to dominate the world, yeap sure thing. Especially with such retarded mind.
Well good luck “conquering” the world, with your stupidity. Hahaha.
Please keep showing the world what retarded people you are, show how idiots you are. Show what you really are. I’m looking forward to see these muslims “dominating” the world.

Whoever likes it or not, I don’t give a flying fuck. This is my opinion.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Innocence of muslims

Recently, there was a home made movie by somebody, I don’t know who made it nor I care.
The video’s name is Innocence of muslims, it insults Islam religion and the prophet.
The link can be found here if someone is interested to watch it:

By the time this video was released, there was a massive protests in the entire world from muslims accusing this video, they demand from youtube and google to remove this video because it’s offensive to Islam to muslims.
Unfortunately, youtube and google refused to do so, and I support them with this decision, why?
For google and youtube, this is freedom of speech, democracy which many arab and muslim countries don’t have it, unlike the western countries.

Some of muslims reactions across the world can be seen here:
and there are a lot of other videos show what muslims did in Europe and the US. But you can just look for them on youtube by yourself, I don’t have a youtube channel here.

So let’s see what we have here,
Riots, violence, and breaking some stores, burning some others, etc etc, some of these muslims also, burnt the American and the Israeli flags, HAHA, as if Israel and USA would give a fuck about that. haha, that reminds me of what a muslim guy did, like burning the american flag next to the american embassy and cursing subordination, while he stood on the american flag wearing his "Nike" shoes, and wearing a "Levi's" pants, took some  photos with his iPhone, he went running home, went to his room and started his "HP" laptop to check the coverage of that incident, and he searched on "google" for "embassy+flag+burn" and he received many results, then he clicked on "YOUTUBE" link to watch the video, clicked on "SHARE" to his "Facebook" and before he closes "Windows Media Player" he shared the link on "Twitter", while whispering for himself "fuck subordination". HAHAHA, what a retard/s.
Burning KFC restaurants? Just because it’s an American restaurant? Don’t they know that this “American restaurant” is providing JOBS for a lot of muslims??? And if they want to burn these places, why don’t they provide jobs for these people instead??

In fact, this kind of movies, isn’t for Israel’s benefits nor the US as well, and lots of muslims were saying that Israel, the Zionists and the USA are behind that movie. That’s actually bullshit from what these lame idiots low life ignorant muslims to say, and before they talk shit, they can use their head a little bit.
Note that I’m not defending Israel nor the US, but usually, how Israel work? by using the very famous saying “divide and conquer”, they’d leave muslims killing each others until the very end, and THEN, Israel might come to conquer. But of course this is IF there was a war happening.
If muslims were united together because of that movie, it’s not for Israel’s benefit, so they wouldn’t go far to create such movie.

For these ignorant muslims who act like animals without thinking, they actually deserve to be thrown in a farm or better, in a zoo.

Many muslim people acted differently, for example by saying on social media to stop using google and youtube for few days, because they refused to remove that video, haha, that couldn’t make me laugh more. The fact is that youtube and google services are for FREE, and they already have enough traffic on their servers, so few people if they didn’t browse these websites, they’ll be actually making a favor for them. And we’re talking about google, one of the biggest companies, and if you ask anybody how do they find something online, they know it’s “google”
These days, people cannot live without google, even though they maybe can adapt, but it’s inevitable to use google and youtube without even thinking twice.

Some of these muslim educated people were just trying to give their opinion on what should be done, and asking if google and youtube’s morals allow them to spread such video?
As I mentioned earlier, for google, this is freedom of speech and they couldn’t care less if muslims liked it or not, it’s what they see from their own perspective and I totally agree with that.

If we want to talk about religions in general, everybody knows that all religions supposed to spread love and peace, but all I’m seeing is just hate and destruction, the real value of religion is almost vanished and have no existence anymore.
Mostly these people who call themselves muslims, don’t they know that Islam religion meant also to spread love and peace?
Don’t they know how their prophet was when he was alive? He got insulted many times back then, and how did he act back? Peacefully, and not like these barbarian people calling themselves muslims these days.
They already know this story, and I’ve said it more than once before, back when the prophet was still alive, he had a Jewish neighbor who used to put sack of garbage every day on the prophet’s door. The prophet knew who was doing that, but what was he doing in return? Taking that garbage sack with his own, and throw them away. Until one day he didn’t find that garbage sack, he thought that could be something wrong with his neighbor, so he went to visit him, and appeared that he was sick. He wished him to recover soon.

But muslims for example in Sweden, whenever they find a Jewish person walking down the street and wearing the Jewish outfit, they’d beat the crap out of him, that’s Islam? instead of respecting other religions whatever it was. They just do the opposite of Islam’s believes, and yet they call themselves muslims.

Comparing to what the prophet was alike and what these people today are, there’s no comparison, most muslims of today are completely a nuisance, a serious disease that needs to be eradicated.

Every time, when things cool down between muslims and the west, a new incident appears, and drives muslims crazy, their position would be even worse than it was earlier, and they’re still going backward. In fact, I wonder how the western countries still keeping these people on their territories!
These western countries opened their doors for these people because they believe in freedom, democracy, and anti racism, etc etc. Otherwise  they wouldn’t welcome them in the first place, these people are guests, and these governments gave nationalities for many of these muslims. And yet these muslims are ungrateful.

Muslims these days are either sheeps or dogs, or maybe both would work, they never think of the consequences before they act. They’re making judges on their own.
But in general, whatever any person is doing, who the fuck are these people to judge him of what’s he doing? If they really believe in God, they should be well aware that only God can judge him, and they can stay the fuck out of it.
God didn’t ask anybody to present him down on earth.

They’d just go along with what they’re told, if they were asked to do riots, they’d do it. They never think why or if it worth it for such riot. They’re seriously have empty skulls without a brain to use.

And before alllllll this shit that these muslims are doing, how about we see more facts, before they call themselves “muslims” how about to remind them of their past until present!
Let’s see, muslims didn’t learn to divide politics and religion, even though they might be saying so, but it’s not.
Since long history, there wasn’t multiple sects in Islam as it is today, they started getting divided because of politics, Sunni and Shiite didn’t exist in the past, but these muslims created them on their own. The prophet has nothing to do with it.
So Sunni and Shiite were divided because of politics and because of the leadership 1500 years ago.
And it remained until these days, Sunnis and Shiites.
These two sects, hate each other down to bones, they’d kill each other with pleasure, but waiting a sign from their leaders.
On top of that, even in every individual sect, there are divisions because of politics, and also these people from the same sect would really kill each other because of politics. If muslims cannot even live with each others, then what to expect more from them?
Most of these people who call themselves muslims, don’t even do what half Islam asked them to do, not even close, they even curse God, and they wouldn’t care, they do many things that Islam forbid, but they don’t care. Whoever curses God, they wouldn’t care about.
But when it comes to the prophet, that’s a red line here, as if the prophet is more precious and important than God? They should know better, or maybe they don’t know better because they don’t have a brain to use in the first place.

For all these muslims, did they know that for example in Syria, before any soldier killing a civilian, he forces him to say “there’s no God but Bachar”
Why wouldn’t these muslims move a muscle? Bachar? God? hahaha, they’re must be out of their fucked up mind. Bachar is nothing than a Pussy.. Cat.. calling him self a Lion.

No actions to defend God yet. But the prophet! They’d curse God in order to defend the prophet maybe.

I seriously don’t expect any less from these people, they’re something completely different than civilized people, a bread of animals maybe. Who knows! Until they show some fucking good behavior and become real civilized, then maybe the west would change their thoughts about them, but I think it’s too late anyway.

If somebody has an opinion, just keep it for your self. I’ll keep my same point of view toward muslims until the very end and until they become humans (not in a century even).
This is my own opinion, I don’t give a flying fuck whether you like it or not.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

muslim advisers? lol

It’s been a while I haven’t written any topic, that’s because of lack of time.
But that doesn’t mean that I have changed my mind about what I think in general.

My topic today is about how people think they know it all, and try to advise others to do what’s “right” lol, that’s actually one of the funniest thing I’ve seen from different pathetic ignorant people, and I’ll give some examples happened in reality.

Before going further, sometimes I like being between muslim societies, because the more I listen to them, the more I know how much they’re full of nonsense and bullshit.

There are different views of muslim people, usually in islam, it’s known that many things are forbidden to do, like alcohol, having a sexual relationship too (outside the marriage phase), yea that’s forbidden in islam.
The more I hear how muslim people think, the more I look down to them, and I’m not saying the religion it self, but people who follow the religion.
As for religion, different religions exist, and each one has its own believes, and each person is free to chose any of these religions, OR not to chose any of them.
My opinion about religion is that it’s a PRIVATE thing for every person to take by heart or not, it’s not something to tell others what his religion is and to try to prove that his religion is right and the rest are wrong (as most muslims try to do).
For what these particular muslims think about other religions, they can just go fuck them selves, they’re not the ones to judge other religions if they’re right or wrong, there’s someone else to judge, but not these pathetic morons.

Anyway back to the real topic, I wonder, how people have this twisted thinking without realizing, the first example I’ll give, is when somebody who’s worthless, a particular muslim who knows almost nothing about his own religion and tries to give a piece of advice for somebody else regarding islam religion. How funny this can be!
A person who doesn’t have enough information to discuss something like religion and yet tries to show that he knows it all.
In addition that he doesn’t do anything right toward religion, he drinks alcohol and do other things which his religion forbid, but yet he wants to tell that another person should follow islam. But I wonder, did that idiot look at him self that he’s the one who needs a piece of advice before saying out the crap of his?

Another example is somebody tells another that drinking alcohol is forbidden and may God lead to the right way! while he makes sexual relationships (without being married), I mean come on, give me a break, why these idiots wouldn’t look at them selves before saying their shit? Alcohol or women, are both forbidden, if he sleeps with women, that gives him no right in the first place to talk about this bullshit, about the alcohol being forbidden and to ask God to lead this person who drinks alcohol to the right way! HAHAHA,
That’s another funny crap I’ve heard, and to these people I say, “before pointing fingers at others, make sure your hands are clean”.
I hope this kind of people realize how pathetic and full of bullshit they are, and try to act better in their life, because this makes them look real stupid and not smartasses.

More to go, when even a guy who’s kind of religious says that a muslim who doesn’t pray, the first thing he’ll face in the after life is one way to hell.
But then he changed his mind saying that God will forgive people for their sins toward him, like if a person wasn’t praying in his life, God would forgive him.
But if that person hurt others, God wouldn’t forgive him. That’s actually what I heard and what that person said.
I mean, come on, a moment ago, it was “one way to hell” if a person doesn’t pray; now God can forgive for such things? If the same person opposing him self with his own words, how can he be trusted with what’s he saying about religion? From my side, I wouldn’t listen to such crap.

Just to remind these people, their prophet said something back when he was alive, and I’m sure they know it, and since they do or listen to what their prophet used to say, they should know that well. He said “People! Mind your own business”. Isn’t that clear enough for them to understand to mind their own fucking business? But most of these lame muslims don’t mind their own fucking business, they like to keep putting their nose in others business, until someone screws them and made them realize not to interfere in what’s not theirs.
Otherwise, why don’t they just go and live other people lives? Wouldn’t that be wonderful? How pathetic.

I once was sitting with a group of which I only knew few members of it, and they were all talking, and a girl from this group started asking a question, “what’s your religion?” to every person, and some of them answered her, and asked her the same question and she answered the same as Christian - something.
And then she asked me about my religion!
I told her “why do you care about my religion?”
She replied “just a question”
I said, I wouldn’t judge you for what religion you are following, I would judge you for what a person you are toward me, your religion is your privacy, I couldn’t care less about what your religion is, nor I give a fuck about it, nor I would like to know what it is.
That was a long sentence I told her and in my opinion, I was totally right, but some people see my way of telling things a bit harsh, I couldn’t care less about that either.
Anyway, that girl didn’t like my answer, or maybe the way I was telling her my answer, she kept quiet. But at least she maybe learned a lesson on how to open a topic, and religion topic isn’t one to be a subject.

For how long this idiot type of people will exist! I really understand, with what’s happening in this world, from everything, from wars to politics, that there’s a big part is happening because of religion it self, it’s because it’s been misused, and yet these people didn’t realize.
Since these people don’t want to learn, I hope they just slay and kill each others to the very end until none of them remains alive. Then maybe there would be some peace of mind. Many people know that you cannot fix a corrupted thing, but you have to reconstruct it from the very beginning. And this applies to these people.

Again, this is my opinion, I don’t fucking care whether you like it or not.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Muslim number & ignorance are increasing and going backward

We’re passing through hard days and hard economy nowadays, no jobs, cost of living, cost of education and these kinds of things.
For that purpose, people are trying to pay less money as much as they can, so they’d remain with some money until the end of the month and pay some of their debts if they got any. But there’s something too strange happening, and I’m still wondering why!

First of all, if we wanna talk about percentage of ignorant uneducated muslims, it’s the highest in fact all over the world. Usually these days, even educated people are having hard times finding a decent job, and if they found only a normal job, its salary barely covers the person’s expenses, so what to expect from a non educated person? Of course no decent job and no decent salary, that’s certain. Most of these ignorant people, start a family since early ages thinking they can handle responsibilities, they always complain about salaries and cost of living which is in fact very true, but a person must keep the damage as minimum as it can be, means not to throw money left and right, and think before paying for some stuff of which he/she can give up on. What mostly I’m thinking of is about marriage and having kids of those ignorant people. They get them selves into debts, work like donkeys, and being in a hurry to get married. After a short while, they start having children, and yet remain complaining but even more this time. For example, a baby needs care and has his own expenses, from doctors to medicines to diapers, its own food, clothes, baby stuff, and when it starts to grow up a bit, school, books, needs, which are kinda expensive these days, and the father remains complaining non stop about expenses.

In addition, most ignorant people aren’t educated, and married women don’t work, they are just house wives, take care of the house and their kids if they got any. This makes things worse of what I was talking about earlier (economic situation these days).
The man alone mostly work, to cover all the house expenses, from bills, to food, to give his wife some money, and kids in the future,
While the man is uneducated, he doesn’t get a high salary which mostly cannot cover everything.
In case the man was able to cover his house expenses at first, later on babies will come. at this stage, parents will be happy to have a new born as most people parents do, but when time started to pass, they curse the moment they gave birth to that baby, and I’ve seen it happening in fact.
Babies’ expenses are very high, and these poor men cannot cover everything with their salaries, they nag and complain to others how hard life is. But after a short while of the first born, his wife gets pregnant again, and they get another baby to have more expenses to cry about. That doesn’t stop here, since this is just the beginning, the children number increases dramatically. The father remains crying and complaining.

But as for that, why the FUCK didn’t they think of a better solution before making their wives pregnant? Don’t they know there are always consequences for every tiny thing? Instead of having sex like that and getting into deep shit of high expenses after few months, there’s a very advanced invention called CONDOM, a box of couple of condoms costs few dollars, I’m sure this few bucks payment will save the father A LOT of expenses in the near future, add to that, DUREX (which is one of the best condoms) comes with different flavors of which women like, and I’m sure the wife would even enjoy a better sex with different flavors, especially if she wanna give her husband a blow job. Not to mention other types of condoms for better pleasure for women, I don’t have to explain that, I don’t have a sex blog here LOL.

So what I’m trying to refer is that most muslims, ignorant ones (most of them are), they are making a big mistake when actually having something like at least 5-6 children at least while the father can’t afford paying for them all while he’s complaining, and having a LIMITED salary, the kids won’t be any good if they weren’t educated, of which of course GOD asked muslims to get education and study and become real humans with using their brain, but unfortunately it’s not happening, and with every 2 married ignorant persons, there’s at least 5-6 ignorant new borns.

In case someone was wondering, how true that is! Oh well, I see many of these people every single day. The other day, I’ve seen a woman in the buss who’s in 30s of age, with her five children, that are aged between 2 and 10 years old, and she was pregnant, she’s not educated, nor her kids seem to be. From their clothes, they look so poor. But when parents are poor, they make a big mistake to have kids and burry them with their poverty? That’s not fair, for me, it’s better if these kids weren’t born to suffer like that.

Furthermore, when these kids grow up, they have no education; they know nothing about morals, social life or how to deal with different things. Most of these kids when they become teenagers, they get into drugs, pills, and illegal things. They would kill for some pills or drug. I’ve seen many of these people, when they’re in the streets at night, if they found somebody, they pull their knife at him and ask him for 10 bucks, and they’d leave him alone. But if he didn’t give them the money, they’d stab him and flee.

Why getting intro trouble for just small amount of money! To get those fucking pills, and why would he wanna get these pills? He wants to get high and run away from the fact of his miserable fucked up life, mostly caused by his ignorant parents in the past.
Most of these uneducated teenagers become bandits and thieves, I’ve seen lots of cases happening, stealing cars, stealing houses, stores, stabbing others with knives etc etc..
But most of all, they became a shame for the nation, the muslim nation. Lots of them are thrown in prisons, but a lot more are out.
But if most of these people are like that, what does it mean? The most who give the bad image to the west about muslims and islam as well. As long as these people exist, the muslims and islam image will remain filthy, and nothing can be done to change that unless a miracle happened, but what I’m seeing these days, miracles aren’t happening.

That’s one of the reasons why muslims are going backward but dominating with their number.
Instead of having dozens of non educated children, I think it’s better to have 1 or 2 educated children of which the father can afford to pay their expenses which can be proud of in the future, and yet, would be fulfilling what GOD asked him as a muslim to do. But of course that’s not happening, they’re only saying they’re muslims, but I can’t see any small chance of them being so.
They talk about muslims dominating Europe in around after 30 or 40 years, I don’t remember in fact, but that’s not dominating with anything good in fact, these European countries would become just like jungles to host muslims. Many muslims are happy saying that they’ll dominate Europe after those years, but I’m wondering, how are they going to dominate? In case they ruled (and of course they won’t), how would they rule? If they don’t even have mental thinking! LOL. That’s just pathetic.

All started of some ignorant parents who like to have a dozen of kids to make a football family team LOL, like to have non protected sex, and it ends like it’s mentioned above.
I don’t fucking care if somebody doesn’t like my point of view, of which it’s the fact of what’s going on, that’s my personal opinion. Live with that ;)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Muslims during Ramadan and before.

They say, during Ramadan gates of hell close, and people would maybe act better..
But there are many facts about what’s going on, and I don’t agree with what’s been said.
Usually, most people and I mean by muslims, are pathetic, most of them lie, most of them stab in the back, most of them don’t know what word “moral” is or means, they cheat, they steal, and there’s many countless things, in general they’re annoying.
But many of these people, remember god in Ramadan, and they “try” to behave and act better, and they say it’s Ramadan, and they have to remain polite!!! And whoever didn’t pray in his life, goes to pray in this month.
One of my friends told me, isn’t better to remember God a month during a year, than NOT remember him at all??
Well, maybe he’s right, but whoever has good intentions in the first place, would be a sick asshole during the rest of the 11 months of the year? and since the person is going back to his origin (asshole) after ramadan, why then bother to try to be a good person during that month? Usually god would forgive if the person “Repented” in the first place and tried to remain a good person with less sins, and keep it to minimum, since a human being always do mistakes, but mistakes differ from big ones and small ones..
So let’s see, a person who doesn’t recognize God a whole year, and remembers him during 1 month (Ramadan). I actually find that… ummm, how to say it delicately! Find it BULLSHIT.
If a person really means to be good, he should remain a good person. Period.

On the other hand, they say nowadays, people don’t have enough money to even buy enough food. But yet, there’s lots of little pipsqueaks who buy LOTS of fireworks, and not just any fireworks, but fireworks which awaken the dead from their graves, and I wonder, isn’t that called “annoying others” which actually islam told them NOT TO annoy others? Well that can be added to the bullshit list too.

So I wonder, even in Ramadan where people suppose to become better, they become worse while thinking they’re doing great, how lame. I can’t see this lame muslim nation going anywhere with this lame thinking, they’re gonna remain in the bottom of the deepest shit. They say they’re going to defeat Israel which is one of the most powerful and advanced countries in the world, I actually can’t see this coming with muslim nation’s fact these days. Oh well, I can’t blame anybody for dreaming ;).

Still we’re talking about Ramadan times, usually muslims rush to buy supplies right before Ramadan, and during Ramadan, the fuck if I know why!! It’s like there will be some kinda war or something, I don’t fucking care, anyway something happened with me, and not with just any person! But with a man with those little beards, wearing a muslim man’s gown, and he’s obviously with some kinda Islamic group or party or what so fucking ever. But anyway, I was in a supermarket buying only a bottle of water, and when I reached the cashier, there was this beardy “muslim” man, instead of him wait in his fucking queue, he put his stuff right ahead, and the cashier there, took his stuff to deal with instead of my water, it got me pissed, and I said in her face, “life is about morals”, and of course I didn’t mean her, I meant him. He looked at me and said to me “are you talking to me?”
I looked at him right in the eye and answered with a high tone, “NO I’M NOT TALKING TO YOU, IT’S NOT YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS”
So there was an employee who’s working there who felt something was about to go wrong, and told me nicely the other cashier is now empty, so I went to the other one.
So I’m wondering, does that pig call him self a muslim!! The worse part was that he’s one of those Islamic groups, according to his custom. Well if these people who are suppose to be the “best” ones in their religion act like this! What’s left for others? This asshole is nothing near to be a muslim with such fucking acts, if I want to make him as a metaphor for an animal, I’d be insulting the animal to be honest, since animals even behave better than this beardy dude lol.
This was right before Ramadan, I wonder if they compete to try to be closer to god than any other person, and racing others even to reach the cashier first instead of waiting his turn!! Loool.. that’s just pathetic, that’s just a fact from daily life’s incidents.

There’s another thing which is kinda lame, usually muslim religion men known as “sheikh” forbid / deny things as if they’re god’s representatives on the planet, and the worst part is when a part of these religion men forbid something, while some others allow it, LOOL. That’s just sick.. here’s an example, in Ramadan, some of these religion men say that swimming is forbidden, why? There’s many different answers they talk about, if water reached above ears, water would enter the body and break the person’s fasting (as if they never have a shower while fasting), another reason, what if the person swallowed water by mistake?? Ummm as if the salty water would kill his thirst, and the person would do anything to drink salty water. And there’s too many other bullshits they say aren’t on my mind right now.
As for religion men who say swimming is okay during Ramadan while fasting, they say the prophet and companions used to swim 1400 years ago, so it’s okay to swim. As if they lived 1400 years ago to see the prophet and his companions swimming in the middle of the desert.
Some of these religion men say that brushing teeth would break the fast! how stupid, so it's better to keep the mouth breath disgusting and filthy? or maybe these religion men are trying to find a reason to keep their breath smell disgusting? lol.
At least both of these type of people can say something more reasonable and logical for the brain to follow, and people who believe these idiots, are even more idiots with no brain to use. Lol.

Again, that’s my opinion, and I have free of speech about whatever I want, I don’t give a shit if somebody doesn’t like my point of view :).

Saturday, August 6, 2011

oslo's attack and how some muslims have seen it.

I don't know, if this might be politics or not, since these days politics are related to religion somehow. to tell you the truth, i don't deal with fucking politics, but if religion
would make me reach even a little bit of politics, so be it. :)
of course everybody heard about the norway bombing in the capital oslo, where many people were killed and tens of people were injured, here's one of the videos online:


You can find lots of videos concerning this bombing and the attack.
I haven’t gone through every video on the net actually, but I’ve seen enough of it.
I don’t know how true could this be, but the attacker was norwergian! Which is unlikely happening, can’t tell why he’s pissed at his own people, unless I questioned him, and obviously I wont since he’s already in prison, and I’ve heard that he’s gonna stay in his new home (prison) for the next 30 years. I don’t actually think the next 30 years are enough, he should stay there for good with doing hard labors. And this applies to any disgusting criminal on the planet.
My sincere condolences to the Norwegian people and to families of those who were killed. 

Anyway, what I was aiming at, is something I’ve seen on some social networks online, and the same topic was copied and pasted from different people, it says:
If the person who killed 76 people in Norway was a Muslim, the Press would have declared him as terrorist. For now though, he is just an 'Assailant ', 'Attacker' (Reuters), 'Gunman' (BBC, CNN & Al Jazeera). Looks like 'Terrorist ' is a name reserved for Muslims? The US Dept of State calls it an 'Act of Violence', Not an 'Act of Terrorism' . Share this status and let the world know, HYPOCRISY is leading us astray.
Okay, I think I’ve already explain something concerning terrorism earlier, but I want to talk about my point of view about these lines above.
First of all, that attacker in Norway, was called a “terrorist” already by people, maybe the press was playing it nicely to stick the name “terrorist” to muslims. Yea well, I can’t agree more, since what’s known in the entire world, that islam is the religion of terrorism.

There’s many things concerning islam and muslims to be connected to terrorism, let’s start with small facts around the world, the most known terrorist organizations are muslims, such as Al-Qaida, and that passed away faggot “Usama Bin Laden” and many others, and seriously I don’t keep names in mind, bin laden was an accident that I remembered lol. But honestly, if we manage to go through the passed years and saw the act of terrorism, we’ll see that more than 90% were done by muslim people, killing innocent people in the name of islam!! Okay, what should I see here? Killing women and children, killing innocent lives, ummm, bombings and serious SHIT in the name of islam. Here I should admit it, islam is really the religion of terrorism in this case. That what would normally people think, and I never blame them at all, on the contrary, they’re right about it.
If these muslims want to go back in the past to see how their prophet was, he was never like this, he never killed innocent people, no women nor children, he never killed prisoners. He never was a bad person toward others who have different religion, like I mentioned earlier, the prophet had a jewish neighbor, and he never fought him, nor tried to beat the crap out of him as some muslims nowadays are doing to other people with different religions, and to be more specific, in Sweden where they’re beating jewish people when they see them walking down the street, I already wrote about it.
They call Christians “Crusaders”.. I’m like WTF is with this attitude! We’re not living back in 1400 years ago, I cant tell, if these muslims, wanna live the same way in the past, they can just put some fucking tents and live in them, and leave Europe to go back to their lame home lands, that is IF they have home lands, and of course I doubt they’ll have any real home since they didn’t deserve to have a home, and they were kicked out of it, or left for some other reasons which I don’t wanna waste my time to mention them.

So let’s see, muslims can’t go out to streets peacefully, there’s always gonna be riots and uncivilized acts, many of them always think that islam religion is the right one and the rest should be eliminated bla bla bla.. actually these people are full of bullshit, I can never think of anything they’re doing that the prophet used to do, or islam asked them to do, I’m sure if Mohammad was still alive, he wouldn’t even consider these people.. humans.. they’re more like ignorant disgusting morons which nobody would be proud of such people or their lame acts.

So, of all what’s been said about muslims being connected to terrorism, maybe not all muslims are the same, maybe there are some good muslims, who knows! And most of these good muslims, would also take it as an insult when “terrorist” is gathered with “muslim” and then would start acting like shit, instead of proving to people the contrary, they prove by their way of talking that they’re real terrorists even in a low profile of talking shit.
I’d say, muslims already lost their chance to clean their name away from terrorism, and if they wanna do it, it’ll take ages to be done with it, and of course it will never happen since muslims r getting worse year after another. Correct me if I’m wrong.

That’s what I think, that’s my own point of view, I don’t give a flying fuck if somebody didn’t like what I think, because I don’t fucking care of what they think. I’m free to think anything I want and to say anything I want. :)