welcome to the personal criticism blog

this is my personal blog, and everything posted here is from my personal experience, and it's my point of view, criticism of how i see things from my perspective. Since there's freedom of speech, I'm free to say or post my own opinion. If someone feels offended, you can report.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Criticism about muslims according to this video

while i was surfing the net, i came across this video:
and to be honest!! lool it disgust me of what muslims are doing.

this time i'm gonna keep my topic about this video, and what this video shows is extremely true, this is reality of what's going on..

I first wanna start saying something about Sweden, Sweden is one of the most beautiful countries on earth, one of the best and one of the most peaceful. i've read many things about it, and as for my personal opinion, Sweden is great.

let's start with what's goin on in this video,
at first, muslims who live in sweden were protesting for israeli presence in the swedish city? why? is it palestine? or is it any arab country? or what the fuck?
it's Sweden, Sweden has no enemies from any country, people from different countries are welcome there, but muslims arent becoming so welcome because of their barbarian acts. first of all, if these muslims wanna protest for israeli existence in the SWEDISH
city, they have no right, and if they don't like this fact, these muslims can go to two places of which they can chose, place number one: they can go TO HELL. place number two: they can go back to their HOME country and leave Sweden the fuck alone.
many muslims attacked the Swedish police, let's stop for a moment here, attacking the government? the gov which took these bastards in, they still have no respect nor behave toward them selves or swedish people or the swedish gov, that's just pathetic.
if they wanna stay in Sweden for troubles, i'll actually support the government to kick the shit outta these non civilized barbarian people (and i hope it does).
Sweden IS NOT a muslim country, and yet muslims go there and protest about muslim things, as if Sweden would give a shit? i dont think it does.
and yet these muslims complain why they're smashed with boots like cockroaches. wow that's a mystery... NOT.

moving on to the next step, most muslims are giving the name "Muhammad" to their kids, but i have a different point of view, nobody actually deserves to have this name, since most muslims who are carrying out the name "Muhammad" are filthing that name.
nobody is really acting as Muhammad used to be 1400 years ago, and nowadays, when they called prophet muhammad a terrorist, i'm not actually surprised. and i have nothing against it, since these "muhammads" of the present proved them right. wanna learn to drive? there's Jihad driving school.. haha, this makes me laugh so damn much.
this paragraph might be a bit longer than others, because of some explanations which even ignorant muslims them selves don't know.
word Jihad, these days it's known as something related to terrorism, even it's english official meaning, is "fight in the name of religion (islam)" or something very similar to that, well actually that's bullshit, Jihad doesn't mean this, these fashion muslims of the present (barbarians & ignorant) explain "Jihad" this way, and actually proved the west it means like that, which is terrorism.
"Jihad" doesn't have only one meaning, nor has a meaning in a specific major as in war or just deep believe to be muslim.
Jihad is giving effort to something, to work hard for something, and it doesn't have to be related to war. giving effort about studying can be called Jihad for education, and in case of war, Jihad is ONLY and ONLY when defending the home land from outside INVADERS, and NOT by attacking other lands, like these terrorists are doing, bombing and killing women & children with holding the Jihad flag, this is just total bullshit.
but who showed the west what a terror of word "Jihad" mean? only muslims them selves, these muslims don't even know what Jihad really means, they only think of war against others thinkin this is Jihad. in that case, i hope for the west to smash these idiot non civilized muslims who live on their territories.

immigrant unemployment in Rosengard reported to be 70%.. that's pretty much fucked up though, i'm not gonna talk about all immigrants, i'll talk only about muslim immigrants.
God asked muslims to get education, to study, and to work hard. to improve them selves, to use their brain, to make useful things for them selves and for others. but what's really happening? it's like that:
most of these muslims, arent educated, and if they were educated, they're unemployed. and they're not doing anything useful at all, i'd say raising a cow is better than these people, since the cow at least gives milk which is good for the human body.
some muslims who live there, think it's better to stay at home non employed and get money from the government every month. the gov is acting with great morals toward these dudes, since the gov DOES NOT have to help these unemployed with giving them money, but still doing what nobody does, giving them money. there's an example about this, it says:
"give the poor a fishing hook instead of giving him a fish everyday"
i think most people know this simple example.
so these muslims arent acting as islam asked them to, as being unemployed! so i don't see any islam breed in them, and yet they're still calling them selves muslims.
without mentioning, number of rapes and crimes.
and if jewish people were walking in the streets, they get beaten up??!! that's really fucked up.. did god ask muslims to beat up jewish? in the earlier post, i mentioned prophet Muhammad had a JEWISH NEIGHBOR.. Muhammad did NOT do any troubles with him, Muhammad did NOT fight with him, and did NOT send anybody to defend him against his jewish neighbor. so if these so called muslims are not doing what Muhammad did 1400 years ago.. i'm sure they got NOTHING TO DO WITH islam. they're just pathetic filthy people who really deserve to be thrown away in garbage or a ZOO (in case of lots of respect).

jewish people doing civilized peaceful protests, while arabs & muslims doing barbarian protests with burning things, attacking others, filled with hate and killing jews..
at this rate, what muslims are showning? lol, use your imagination, and get a conclusion which is totally obvious.

to be true, i don't care for what happens to these muslims, i hope they burn in hell for their retardation acts which has nothing to do with islam.
I can't behave more than this, because these people irritate me. that's my point of view, this is how i see things.. this is my goddamn free speech. i don't care if any of these muslims don't like it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cristicism about the old protests for Muhammad's caricature.

I heard some words from people about defending their own religion to death, and I remembered the story when a Danish person drew a caricature about Prophet Muhammad few years ago, it was a cartoon of Muhammad with a bomb on his turban, and was published by the Danish media, which drove muslims crazy, especially in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Denmark.
There’s many things happened, muslims went down to streets protesting against this caricature and the Danish media and against the person who drew that caricature.

Anyway, while people were down the streets in these countries, I was watching TV, opened some news channels for a short period, saw few retardation acts and then changed back to watch something more interesting aka “discovery science”, “discovery channel”, “animal planet”.

I’ve seen later some scenes of how muslim people were protesting. And I actually thought I was watching …… never mind.
So here’s my point of view about what was going,
Since 1400 years ago, and I guess all muslims know that, Muhammad had a Jewish neighbor, this neighbor kept putting garbage on Muhammad’s door, he knew it was his neighbor, but Muhammad used to take his neighbor’s garbage and throw it away with his own garbage. And the day when Muhammad didn’t find the garbage on his door, he went to visit his neighbor, since he knew there was something wrong and wanted to make sure he’s ok. So it really appeared that he was sick, and wished him to recover asap.

I don’t wanna get into details about these days on how most muslims are filthy, unlike Muhammad. And where they pretend to be just like him, which isn’t right at all.
Anyway, if a person had some idea in general, and some people got mad of it, it’s not because it might be true, but when they get mad, it shows that he was right, and they are just like that idea mentioned.

As for the general idea, Muhammad was called a terrorist, fine, but if we wanna talk about it logically, none of these people was alive 1400 years ago to know if Muhammad was a real terrorist or not. Muhammad was called a terrorist according to present time people, and their acts.
When Bin Laden for example does bombings, killing women and children in the name of Islam and Muhammad? This sounds terrorism to me.
Most bombings were done by muslim groups who claim to be muslims, and they believe they are, and think they will become martyrs or heroes, and will get a place in heaven.. ummm this sounds kinda idiotic to me.. God didn’t ask a muslim to kill people, not women nor children.
Killing people isn’t just terrorism, but it’s also blasphemy for people who think they’re muslims, they will be burned in hell for killing innocent lives.

Anyway, I’ll keep the track on the main topic.
When there’s any idea, even though it wasn’t true, while some people get mad about it, it kinda prove something, that this idea is TRUE, and these people who got angry are proving they are as this thought is saying.
Because if it wasn’t, these people wouldn’t care ;)

so what happened in Denmark, about this caricature was kinda excessive from these “muslim” people, they had the chance for civilized protests, but they blew up this chance and instead they proved how barbarians they are. I think if Muhammad was still alive, he wouldn’t even done what muslims nowadays are doing, Nor he would ask for someone to defend him. In the story above, when the Jewish neighbor was putting garbage on his door, did Muhammad ask anybody to go and deal with this Jewish? Did Muhammad make any troubles with his neighbor? NO and NO.

Protests weren’t only in Denmark and Sweden, they were in different arab countries, and in some countries they burned the Swedish and Danish embassies. Okay let’s stop here, what the fuck does the Swedish embassy have to do with all this crap? And what the fuck an “EMBASSY” has to do with some media and a person acts? Meaning, why would they burn the Danish embassy? Which proves how real terrorists they are, Muhammad was like that? If they think they know Muhammad (which am sure they don’t). he would never ever do such thing. Long ago, Muhammad was called in many different offensive names, but he proved them wrong with LOGIC, with WISE words, not with retard acts like muslims are doing nowadays.

Some muslim people say if the same happened with Christians, they would’ve done the same, well, here’s an old funny video:
but I don’t remember any Christian did a protest, or did what muslims did.
Why? Because there’s something called FREEDOM OF FUCKING SPEECH.

With this protest of muslims defending Muhammad, I’d totally agree with the west calling muslims barbarians, and if these muslims hate the west, why they went to live there? that’s a good question, but nobody gave me a good answer, some people say, muslims were born there, bla bla bla bla … and I’d say that’s bullshit, they were born there because their parents went there years ago, and still having the same limited mind, they don’t like the west, still why the parents went there? And yet they’re not behaving them selves nor toward the governments which took them in.
They’re not the only ones who went there, I’ve been to west as well, and it’s not like these muslims are saying, I never seen such great morals, I never seen such great honesty and total RESPECT. All I know is lies and bad morals from muslims, unlike the west.

In these muslims “quests” defending Muhammad, as I said earlier there was other better ways to defend Muhammad, but the way they did? Blew every hope of a chance for muslims to prove they’re good.

I wouldn’t even support muslims for these acts. And in case these muslims think Muhammad was offended by that caricature, and if they believe in god, shouldn’t they believe god is gonna defend Muhammad? Obviously they don’t believe enough as they call them selves muslims, but they went for troubles..

I tried to behave as much as I can with this post, but obviously what muslims did back then was totally fucking irritating, and made the west to have the red eye against arabs and muslims, and smash their heads with boots. Which I never complain about it. You get what you give. Equivalent exchange, it’s as easy as that. But nobody understands. And they’ll never understand. And I don’t give a fuck if muslims were smashed like cockroaches because of their own fucking acts.

This is my own point of view, this is my free speech. I don’t care if somebody doesn’t like it.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cristicism about religion men

Today i had a small conversation with somebody who reminded me of this topic.
The main topic is about muslim religion man aka "Sheikh" in arabic, or as they're called in muslim societies.

I’ll first state that being a Sheikh is kindaaaa taboo for me, why? I’ll answer why. 1400 years ago, when the prophet Muhammad was alive, everybody used to work for living, and used to pray and have the real religion knowledge. BUT these days, to be a sheikh is a JOB to get paid from, so it kinda became business which ISLAM FORBIDS it. So I’d say these religion men are the bullshit it self.

Whenever there’s something related to religion, everybody would say go and ask a Sheikh, and I’m finding it kinda irritating. I’ll start saying why.
First of all, most Sheikhs did NOT even finish their education, since they weren’t going fine at school and dropped it, they took 3 years classes to study religion! And then becoming a sheikh.
Even though the first word which was told to Muhammad was “READ”, as a meaning to STUDY, get education, use your brain, do something useful. Etc etc………

So at this rate, I’d say this man is kinda ignorant, since he knows nothing else than what he was spooned during these 3 years of religion studies. But anything else from school? Ummm oh yea I just remembered, he DID NOT finish school even, nor went to university. Of course I’m saying most of them.
So if I had a question to ask, should I ask an ignorant person? Since he’s less educated than me? Ummmm of course not, it’ll be like asking a donkey to play piano.
On the other hand if we wanna talk about the way they look?
Long beard, saying it’s because the prophet had long beard! As if they were alive 1400 years ago to know the prophet had a beard and to become like him. And in case it was true, well, 1400 years ago there was no barbers, so use your imagination. I’m sure if there were barbers back then, the prophet wouldn’t let his beard grew.
So they just wanna live in the past because they’re afraid to face the present, or since they CAN’T face the present, they look like they ran away from a history book, with long beards like brooms and show retardation for the west.

Back in 1400 years ago, muslim nation conquered many countries, they were powerful, because they worked hard to get what they want.
Nowadays, muslim nation is smashed with boots, why? Because all they’re good at is just asking god to do things for them instead of WORKING.

If we wanna go back in history, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, all of them came to fight religion men which were ruling their nations for their own profit, and people were believing them just like sheeps, Jesus came against religion men to show people, this is not the right way and showing how these religion men were liars.

The history is repeating now, muslim ppl listen to what their religion men “Sheikhs” say, as if god asked them to represent him on earth. GOD doesn’t need these cockroaches to represent him here. But maybe people would listen to these sheikhs because they’re even less educated? And have no brain to use to think for them selves! That could be true. But still it doesn’t give the right to religion men to think they have the wisdom or power to tell people what to do.

For me, I think sheikhs are just clowns trying to control people nowadays, but the worse are people for listening to them lool.. That’s irony itself.

Friday, April 22, 2011

CRITICISM about Morals especially muslims morals on earth day.

Morals are important in our daily life. Morals can often have different results on many things. and it's divided to many things.
one of the many morals is being CLEAN, which i really like and hate to see shit all over, which can't do anything about it more than just cursing.
since today i heard it's earth day, i thought about this criticism topic of which i see it a lot in my daily life.
I'll start with muslim morals, usually a muslim should be an example for others, in his morals, but too bad, most of muslims aren't.
a muslim should be clean and proper, but all i can see is that muslims are the dirtiest people on earth ever, what pisses me off is that seeing these people throwing papers, from their cars while driving, and papers is just something simple, sometimes pepsi cans are thrown off the car's window on the street, it's just disgusting.. i wonder in case they pray daily, it means everything is solved? with no morals exist, for me praying is for nothing at this rate.
in my entire life, i haven't seen clean muslims of which they were told by their religion to be the cleanest people.
GOD asked muslims, to have the best morals ever, clean, never lie, never cheat, never, never.. etc... but i'll get to other morals later in other posts.
what sucks more, is when women who put hijab on their head and being this much dirty, not all of them. but MOST of them. and i'm saying of I saw in my daily life.
of course, it's not only throwing shit off cars windows, this is the least of what i've seen, these people never bother to hold something a bit till they reach the trash can, no never, it'll be heavy caring it.
do you wanna look on the beach sand? this is the shit it self, i can't imagine, people can live with such shit, unless of course they're the same, or the shit it self. oh well, they can keep their shit smell for them selves.
these people, when they go to europe, they respect the laws just like dogs, i wonder why they can't just be a bit clean in their daily life instead of showing the world how dirty muslims are?

and since today is the earth day, i thought about posting my point of view. i don't care if somebody doesn't like it. go ahead and sue me.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

CRITICISM about muslims Hajj / Omra

This is my first critic post about what mentioned on its title, i hope i can make things straight as it should be.

Nowadays muslim people go to Omra or Hajj to wash their hands from guilt and their sins, and to ask god forgiveness for what they did in their life, so according to islam it's something between the person and god, since god is the one who decide if this person is forgiven or not. 
So basically nobody can interfere between that person and god and nobody is able to change god's decisions.

on the other hand, going to hajj or omra has become some kinda fashion these days, many people who go to do their hajj / omra just take photos while they're there, and post these photos on social networks aka FACEBOOK.
aright, the thing is, why would a person take photos while he's "asking god for forgiveness" ? does he have to show people that he was doing Omra / Hajj and he was asking god for forgiveness ? that's just bullshit, it should remain between him and god, and people have nothing to do with it, to show them he was doing his omra / hajj.
i just wonder what's the big deal of taking photos there and show people on social networks, it sounds to me like idiotism.