welcome to the personal criticism blog

this is my personal blog, and everything posted here is from my personal experience, and it's my point of view, criticism of how i see things from my perspective. Since there's freedom of speech, I'm free to say or post my own opinion. If someone feels offended, you can report.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

muslim advisers? lol

It’s been a while I haven’t written any topic, that’s because of lack of time.
But that doesn’t mean that I have changed my mind about what I think in general.

My topic today is about how people think they know it all, and try to advise others to do what’s “right” lol, that’s actually one of the funniest thing I’ve seen from different pathetic ignorant people, and I’ll give some examples happened in reality.

Before going further, sometimes I like being between muslim societies, because the more I listen to them, the more I know how much they’re full of nonsense and bullshit.

There are different views of muslim people, usually in islam, it’s known that many things are forbidden to do, like alcohol, having a sexual relationship too (outside the marriage phase), yea that’s forbidden in islam.
The more I hear how muslim people think, the more I look down to them, and I’m not saying the religion it self, but people who follow the religion.
As for religion, different religions exist, and each one has its own believes, and each person is free to chose any of these religions, OR not to chose any of them.
My opinion about religion is that it’s a PRIVATE thing for every person to take by heart or not, it’s not something to tell others what his religion is and to try to prove that his religion is right and the rest are wrong (as most muslims try to do).
For what these particular muslims think about other religions, they can just go fuck them selves, they’re not the ones to judge other religions if they’re right or wrong, there’s someone else to judge, but not these pathetic morons.

Anyway back to the real topic, I wonder, how people have this twisted thinking without realizing, the first example I’ll give, is when somebody who’s worthless, a particular muslim who knows almost nothing about his own religion and tries to give a piece of advice for somebody else regarding islam religion. How funny this can be!
A person who doesn’t have enough information to discuss something like religion and yet tries to show that he knows it all.
In addition that he doesn’t do anything right toward religion, he drinks alcohol and do other things which his religion forbid, but yet he wants to tell that another person should follow islam. But I wonder, did that idiot look at him self that he’s the one who needs a piece of advice before saying out the crap of his?

Another example is somebody tells another that drinking alcohol is forbidden and may God lead to the right way! while he makes sexual relationships (without being married), I mean come on, give me a break, why these idiots wouldn’t look at them selves before saying their shit? Alcohol or women, are both forbidden, if he sleeps with women, that gives him no right in the first place to talk about this bullshit, about the alcohol being forbidden and to ask God to lead this person who drinks alcohol to the right way! HAHAHA,
That’s another funny crap I’ve heard, and to these people I say, “before pointing fingers at others, make sure your hands are clean”.
I hope this kind of people realize how pathetic and full of bullshit they are, and try to act better in their life, because this makes them look real stupid and not smartasses.

More to go, when even a guy who’s kind of religious says that a muslim who doesn’t pray, the first thing he’ll face in the after life is one way to hell.
But then he changed his mind saying that God will forgive people for their sins toward him, like if a person wasn’t praying in his life, God would forgive him.
But if that person hurt others, God wouldn’t forgive him. That’s actually what I heard and what that person said.
I mean, come on, a moment ago, it was “one way to hell” if a person doesn’t pray; now God can forgive for such things? If the same person opposing him self with his own words, how can he be trusted with what’s he saying about religion? From my side, I wouldn’t listen to such crap.

Just to remind these people, their prophet said something back when he was alive, and I’m sure they know it, and since they do or listen to what their prophet used to say, they should know that well. He said “People! Mind your own business”. Isn’t that clear enough for them to understand to mind their own fucking business? But most of these lame muslims don’t mind their own fucking business, they like to keep putting their nose in others business, until someone screws them and made them realize not to interfere in what’s not theirs.
Otherwise, why don’t they just go and live other people lives? Wouldn’t that be wonderful? How pathetic.

I once was sitting with a group of which I only knew few members of it, and they were all talking, and a girl from this group started asking a question, “what’s your religion?” to every person, and some of them answered her, and asked her the same question and she answered the same as Christian - something.
And then she asked me about my religion!
I told her “why do you care about my religion?”
She replied “just a question”
I said, I wouldn’t judge you for what religion you are following, I would judge you for what a person you are toward me, your religion is your privacy, I couldn’t care less about what your religion is, nor I give a fuck about it, nor I would like to know what it is.
That was a long sentence I told her and in my opinion, I was totally right, but some people see my way of telling things a bit harsh, I couldn’t care less about that either.
Anyway, that girl didn’t like my answer, or maybe the way I was telling her my answer, she kept quiet. But at least she maybe learned a lesson on how to open a topic, and religion topic isn’t one to be a subject.

For how long this idiot type of people will exist! I really understand, with what’s happening in this world, from everything, from wars to politics, that there’s a big part is happening because of religion it self, it’s because it’s been misused, and yet these people didn’t realize.
Since these people don’t want to learn, I hope they just slay and kill each others to the very end until none of them remains alive. Then maybe there would be some peace of mind. Many people know that you cannot fix a corrupted thing, but you have to reconstruct it from the very beginning. And this applies to these people.

Again, this is my opinion, I don’t fucking care whether you like it or not.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Some strong words of urs, but let me throw them back at u,
    I never pointed at any specific person, but seems u felt that u r the target, which makes u no better than these idiots.
    it's not about the fact that u say that u'r a muslim and u do everything that islam forbids, that also shows how ignorant u r by just mentioning u r a muslim. Besides, I couldn't care less about what religion u have. add to that, u call ur self a muslim while u'r even admitting that u do what Islam forbid? in this case, u better keep quiet, because u'r digging ur own grave when u want to encounter me with ur nonsense.

    Also u better re-check about what I said "I hope they just slay and kill each others to the very end until none of them remains alive", if u notice what was right before that! when I was talking about the Christian girl?? but obviously u couldn't notice a shit because u'r even proving how pathetic u r since u'r posting a comment without understanding a shit.

    On the other hand, if u read well what I said before, u'll realize I'm attacking most of muslim ppl (not all of them) and NOT the ISLAM (religion) it self.
    So don't make assumptions of ur own without knowing what am I talking about.
