welcome to the personal criticism blog

this is my personal blog, and everything posted here is from my personal experience, and it's my point of view, criticism of how i see things from my perspective. Since there's freedom of speech, I'm free to say or post my own opinion. If someone feels offended, you can report.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Criticism about a very “muslim” family which annoys me.

I don’t know how the title sounds, but it’s a true story :D..
So a family lives in the same building where I do which really annoys me, and since a muslim shouldn’t annoy other people, whatever their religion was, still islam didn’t ask muslims to annoy others.

So it’s a family consist of the parents for sure, 3 guys which are between 15 and 19 of age, and a little girl which is around 5/6 years old.

I’ll start about the father, the father went to Hajj few years ago to wash his sins away and to become a true “muslim” following the real way of islam.
But this person used to steal electricity even after he washed him self from his sins, and the worst thing ever was, he wasn’t stealing from the government or a public electricity line, he was actually stealing from ours, and the bills was reaching high amounts.
While this family was having very,veryyy low bills.
The wife said many times during a winter, that they’re good at home, always the hot air condition is on, There’s always hot water, etc etc.. which all have a great electricity cost, and yet they weren’t getting any high bills, why? No wonder why.
The father has put on his apartment door a sign which says “this is by the grace of God”, and oh well, he never mentioned it’s from his “stealing grace”, no never..

As for the mother who’s wearing this typical hijab and of course she’s the same as her husband, always “salamu alaikum” words are in their mouths, thinking those words will make them real muslims. But let’s see how things are.
The woman’s voice always reaching the building’s hall when she used to shout at her kids,
The most simple thing is when they close the door, the sound reaches few blocks ahead, which is soooo fucking annoying,
She used to call her children off the balcony when they’re playing in the neighborhood, and keeps shouting for long, even if they didn’t hear her, she never quit shouting.
Their apartment door, there’s always same dirt which explains how much they’re being “clean” as islam asked them to be.. how disgusting.
She used to throw some trash off the balcony sometimes..
That’s what I remember about her in person till now. As far as I can see, she’s full of belief, and not any belief, but being a very good muslim… NOT.

I’ll start with the smallest kid they have, the girl..
That girl is a kinda annoying actually, she steps outta the door, and make some noise with her friends, really annoying noise, which can’t be taken, and her parents are happy with that! Doesn’t matter if she’s annoying other people, no.. but they forgot that it’s what islam asked them, “NOT TO ANNOY” others.
On the other hand, this family’s apartment doesn’t appear on the neighborhood, so they won’t be able to see what’s going on.
So the parents sometimes used to send their daughter to the neighborhood to play with fireworks, but not any fireworks! A high sound explosion fireworks which is able to awaken the dead from the grave.
She annoys the whole fucking neighborhood, but it’s okay for her parents, because they aren’t hearing any shit, since their apartment doesn’t overlook to the neighborhood and they aren’t hearing these fireworks as others do, so it’s okay for their girl to play with fireworks.
This is what islam told these idiots to do, to annoy others, if they were sick, or sleeping, having a rest after work. But no, the daughter wanna play with fireworks.
I dunno what kinda “muslims” these people are, is it a new breed of “muslims” ? LOOOL

As for the older son, he dropped off school after he fails his 6th grade 3 times in a raw. And started working after that, then he tried to become a better guy, he actually kinda did, and he started to pray etc etc.. BUT, there’s always a “but”
First he didn’t continue his education which is something isn’t what islam asked a muslim.
Anyway, I don’t hang too much around them, but he once asked me a favor, he bought a brand new laptop of which he was so happy with it, and he was always taking it to the neighborhood with him to listen to music or to watch movies with his friends, or whatever. So he asked me how can he connect to internet, I gave him few solutions and the amount of money to buy the service, etc..
Then after few days, he wanted me for a real favor, he said he found many wireless networks around, but they were all secured, and he wanted to break into one of them to use internet for free..
I said: you really wanna break into one of these networks?
He said yes.
I asked him: do you usually pray? (even though I already knew that)
He said yes.
I asked again: do you consider your self a muslim?
He said yes.
So I told him: don’t you know that stealing from others isn’t something related to islam? You’re stealing something that doesn’t belong to you which is a taboo in islam, don’t you know that?
What was his answer? “this is something different”
I was like: no, it’s not different, STEALING IS STEALING, whatever you were stealing, it’s FORBIDDEN is islam, and yet you wanna steal !
So he shut his mouth and never asked me any favor concerning “stealing” internet, and he doesn’t wanna pay for the service..

And I’m wondering, what kinda muslims these people are, OR WHY would they call them selves “muslims” while they have nothing to do with islam, they’re just fake, a total bullshit it self, don’t they know how idiots they are? Don’t they know how their prophet was long ago? And they can’t even do a very simple thing of which is related to islam MORALS!!!
That’s the truth of what’s going on in most of muslim societies, and I won’t stop showing how disgusting most of them are, because this is my own point of view. And I’m not waiting for lots of people to like it, because if they didn’t, it’ll prove they are the same ;)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Criticism about some muslims religion men who tried to start a conversation

A short while ago, I was with my friends at night, we were next to a friend’s house, and a bunch of 3 muslim religion men known as (Sheikh) were passing by.
They stopped and came to us saying: Al Salamu Alaikum. My friends greeted them back.
These 3 Sheikhs, I’ll call them Sh1, Sh2 and Sh2 for this topic.
Sh1 was a calm person talking nicely, Sh2 was aggressive with his talk, and Sh3 was with no voice at all.
Sh1 started talking nicely, about islam and that we should follow, I stopped him right there and asked him: where are you from?
He mentioned a far area which he came from.. so I asked him: and what are you doing here?
He said there was a meeting for religion men in a near mosque. I asked him what does he do for living ? he said he has a mini market where he lives. Then I asked him how is he going home to his far region in this night, he only said: "God will make it easy.".
I was like, okaaaay (but I thought in mind, God wont teleport you to your place).

Then he started talking about islam and that should follow islam, and the west… I stopped him here and said: in the west? Muslims are the most pitiful disgusting people I’ve ever seen, they’re the most fucked up people. I’ve been there and saw that, so don’t talk to me about muslims in the west, I already know them.
Then he mentioned that he was in brazil for seven years, worked with a jewish during his stay there, and once asked his jewish mate: what’s your goal in life?
The jewish answered: dominating the world.
Since then that Sh1 left brazil and came back to his home land.
So I told him: don’t you think the jewish is ACTING and WORKING HARD to make his goal come true? And I respect that since he’s working. While if you look at muslims, all they’re good at, is praying to God all the time and ask him to do things for them. While they never act or do anything.. while God might help with some luck just in case if the person IS WORKING hard to reach his goal, nothing more.
If you looked to most arabs and muslims, and you already know that first thing god asked Muhammad is to STUDY, to learn, to do useful things for himself and for others, to use his brain. This is why long ago when the prophet was still alive, they reached glory. But if you look at these muslims nowadays, what do you find? Sick fucking people, non educated people, ignorant people, many of them having no jobs, and many of them remain in the mosque praying!!! God him self didn’t ask muslims to prefer praying on JOBS, the job is a priority for the human being for his living, praying can wait. But what most muslims do? Leave their jobs (if they had a job) to pray. And most of them find it a good way to waste TIME from their jobs with an excuse of praying. So bit by bit it’s becoming non truthful, but only for personal interest.

So Sh2 didn’t like my point of view, and he started to get angry, he started telling me that I’m mistaken, and God is above all ( I was like, what does this have to do with that). And that we’re gonna be sent to hell if we didn’t follow the orders.
So I said: only god will judge us, not you! Whatever I did, or we all did, it’s not your concern since God is above all, and he’s the one who’s gonna decide. For that you can mind your own business and leave us the fuck alone.
He still didn’t like what I just said, so Sh1 calmed him down and asked him to just wait, so Sh1 said that I’m right, but still we need to pray for God and do everything he asked us to.
I said: I’ll do whatever I want, I’m not waiting for somebody to come and tell me what to do toward God, things are between me and God, God didn’t ask for people to represent him on earth nowadays, so still not you and anyone’s concern to tell me that I should pray or do whatever God asked me, I know what I have to do, I know the right from wrong.

Sh2 started talking to my friend, asking him: what’s your goal in life?
My friend said: I’m working right now and studying masters, when I’m done, I’ll do my other masters.
Sh2 said in a high tone: that’s not enough, god will take you to hell if you didn’t pray for him.
My friend said: well that’s an Intimidation style you’re doing, which is supposed to be wrong in islam.
Sh2: no that’s not intimidation, it’s only that you should carry on islam.
So I asked Sh2: what’s your goal in life ??????
And since he has no goal more than just running after people to terrorize them that god will burn them in hell, he pretended that he didn’t hear.
My friend told him that he's studying and he's doing good, and when he shows others he has high grades, he will be an example to others, like this is a muslim guy who's well educated and very intelligent, will be ideal muslim to others.

Then Sh1 came back online hahaha, and asked Sh2 to calm down. I told Sh1, you know what? This isn’t going anywhere, with your friend speaking like this, I can do the worst right now if he remained like that, on a second thought, we’re not kids, and we know what we have to do in life, we’re educated and we’re working and we have experience in life, so don’t waste your time trying to convince us with something this way, we already know everything.

He apologized for wasting our time, and for bothering us, he took his friends and left.

So here, even in islam, Muhammad asked people to leave others alone and not to stick up their noses in things which aren’t their concern.
But yet these people would wanna act like they’re god’s descendents to make people follow islam, as if god wants these Sheikhs to represent him on earth. I only wonder WHO gave these religion men the right to do this? NOBODY, NOBODY gave them this right, they decided to do so on their own, so I think what these religion men are doing is a total BULLSHIT, I won’t hesitate to flame such type of religion men next time either.

That’s how I see things from my perspective, I still don’t care if somebody doesn’t like my point of view, we all have the FREEDOM of speech and each person has  his own point of view.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Criticism about muslims Backbiting and gossip

In my entire life, i knew most people having this bad habit, all time long. Hearing people talking shit as always.
And I'm still gonna only talk about muslims about backbiting and gossip.
I wanna talk about a personal experience with a "muslim" woman, or maybe a woman who's pretending to be muslim of which I met in a cab.

it happened few years ago I'd say 3 and a half year maybe, I was going somewhere took a cab, and then there was this woman which wanted a cab too, so she got inside the same car. The whole conversation took like 20 minutes, till I reached the place i was going to.

I dunno how did it start, but that woman was with a Veil (hijab) on her head, which lots of "muslim" women put that on. So anyway, the way she talks with always mentioning god, "thanks god I'm fine" etc etc..
she started talking about a girl which isn't more than 15 years old, she started saying
that girl is talking to a guy all time long
she talks on the phone with him.
her parents give her money and she waste them on her phone calls with this guy.
her parents barely have enough money to educate her, and look how she's spending this money!
her parents take the food off their mouths to give their girl money, and she's wasting them on that guy.
this girl is doing lots of bad stuff with this guy..
this girl ONLY GOD knows what's she doing. she's maybe even sleeping with that guy.
and lots of other shit she said, but i can't remember everything.

and the cab driver was agreeing with her all the way, saying oh yes this is true.

she didn't stop talking, where she fucked my brains out.
so I came in the middle and told her:
what THE FUCK do you have to do with that girl???
are you her mother and nobody knows??
are you her parents?
it's not your fucking business, her mother and father are happy with her this way.
When she’s your daughter go ahead and stop her.
it's not your concern to keep saying shit all about her.
and hey, since you’re wearing this Veil on your head and I assume you're a muslim, you should've known by now that "Backbiting and gossip" is FORBIDDEN in islam, and hey, you know what you just did? You were just committing a taboo!
so how about you leave the fuck people alone and mind your own fucking business!

she said: oh no I wasn't talking bad about her, I was trying to give a piece of an advice! 

I was like: a piece of an advice? where the fuck was that? all I heard was making that poor girl look like a slut, as if you're not as near as that with saying all this shit about her!

(back then I had a long hair of which she tried to use as an example)
she said: no no, for example you have long hair, and let's say you're on drugs, it's my duty to advice you to leave drugs..
I answered: there's a big difference between advising me, by talking to me alone, and saying SHIT about me to everybody that I'm on drug. and I'm sure you're gonna do the second option, while saying "I was giving an advise".

she again said: no no, let me give you an example about my self. I'm a woman, which is 35 years old, "divorced" with 2 girls (I thought in mind: baaaaad move :D)
and lots of people talk bad about me, that I go from a man to another just because I work as a sales woman..

at this point I stopped listening to what else she was trying to say and only those few lines got stuck in my head lol.

and I told her: well well well, divorced? and people say shit about you? oh no.. that's too bad, but... how about you stop talking shit about others, so others would stop talking shit about you? fair enough isn’t it ?
or maybe you can keep saying shit about others with this taboo "Backbiting and gossip" and others would remain doing the same, and then none of you which claim to be muslim will ever be.
and hey you know what? muslim nation is being screwed and stepped on its head with boots by the west, because of people like you, the most sick people I've ever seen.

so then I reached my place, I had to leave her in that cab with the taxi driver to agree with her points of views.

for me, I think, and I'm sure it'll happen, if Backbiting and gossip remains between these people (muslims), nobody needs to end up muslims, cause they will end them selves up and disappear on their own with all of their corruption especially religion corruption.
each person has his own point of view, so this is mine, so for people who don't like how I see things, don't bother reading, and stay the fuck away.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Criticism of muslims whining about banning mosques in the west

My topic today is about mosques in Europe, it’s kinda tricky, but each person sees it from a different point of view.
As for me, I’ve been reading about it, and asking some people of what they think about it.
There was many different points of views, some people called me atheist lol, and some people asked me if I’m becoming one. Haha

I’ll start from the far west, which is USA.
There’s lots and lots of American people which are against building mosques in the first place. Okay, Americans have their own points of views.
Most mulims are being offensive, they got no respect for rules, and they don’t like Christians, and they definitely gave a real bad image about islam, which made American Christians of course hate muslims and islam all together. I wouldn’t blame them, on the contrary, it’s their own point of view, and I respect it, and I would’ve done the same if I was American, because of what am seeing coming from muslims! It really sucks.

So at first, USA is a developed Christian country, here at this point, they’re free to accept other religions or NOT, nobody has anything to do with them, it’s their right.
It’s the same where Saudi Arabia is a developed Muslim country, where muslims there see Christians as “Infidels”. well well well, it’s not that I’m making this up, it’s actually true. So then it’s something good that western Christians accepted the fact of muslims existence between them. Which kinda gives one point to zero for the americans.
Next, lots of americans are against the fact of building mosques in america, well I still respect their own choice, it’s THEIR country and as I mentioned earlier a “Christian developed” country. And there’s already lots of mosques in the USA, but they don’t want more. Many americans said: can you build a church in Mecca for example???? The answer is gonna be “no you can’t”. why ? it’s a muslim country. It’s the same for usa, a christian country which DON’T need mosques.
Or maybe americans want something equal, that christians can build churches in places like Mecca and then it’s okay for them to build mosques in the USA. This is an equivalent exchange which is totally fair, but it’ll never happen since KSA WILL NEVER allows it. So then americans win.

Moving to the closer west, to europe, in europe they started banning minarets, not mosques. As these european countries are also developed Christian countries IN ORIGIN, they’re free to chose if they’d wanna accept other religions or not. It’s their own choice, and nobody can force them to accept. Usually there’s mutual respect, but when most muslims have no respect in the first place, how would Christians react back? That sounds a good questions! They’re still welcoming muslims on a certain level, but lots of muslims are crossing their limits toward Christians, and God didn’t ask muslims to do so.
So anyway let’s talk about why mosques’ minarets were banned!
Azan sound is 5 times a day starting from “dawn”. So let’s see, a loud sound at dawn for people which aren’t muslims, is just a NOISE, and it’s irritating while sleeping, which is right actually, I know some muslims which can get annoyed as well. If some muslims even if they were few, get annoyed by the Azan loud sound. What might the reaction be for christians ? they will be totally irritated of course, curse mosques and curse muslims with islam. Of course I never blame them since they’re right.
God didn’t ask muslims to annoy other people which is NOT a part of muslim morals, and other religions see Azan is annoying. So as for muslims, they shouldn’t annoy other people.
Of course there’s freedom to follow any religion, but of course WITHOUT bothering others, I wonder if muslims would understand that this is how problems start to reject mosques, it started with minarets, then to muslims acts and bit by bit reached this level of which is nowadays, and I actually see westerns are right.

And how niqab started to get rejected!! well that’s not hard to figure out, since terrorism bombings are mostly done by muslim groups, and many members of these groups used to use niqab to hide them selves and to carry on some weapons, or to hide these people from authorities to remain unknown and to keep police away from them since they think, police cannot touch them.
But of course things went far more than this. And by the way, if a woman wearing niqab and only showing her eyes there in Europe, how would her passport photo should appear? and what if it was a passport for somebody else? Or maybe many people can use the same passport? Well, of course I don’t think authorities will allow all this to happen. So they started banning niqab, but of course this is not the only reason, there’s lots of reasons all together which led to this level, from muslims morals, their acts, terrorisms, being annoying etc etc etc… made the west have a red eyes against muslims, which I totally agree with. And I don’t care for what happens to muslims, they only can blame them selves for what they reached these days.
i’m not bothered by western Christians refusing other religions, on the contrary, I’m supporting them, it’s their right after all, it’s the same when Saudi Arabia don’t like Christians, Christians have the total right not to like Muslims as well. That’s fair enough from my perspective, each person has his point opinion and I got mine.