welcome to the personal criticism blog

this is my personal blog, and everything posted here is from my personal experience, and it's my point of view, criticism of how i see things from my perspective. Since there's freedom of speech, I'm free to say or post my own opinion. If someone feels offended, you can report.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Criticism about muslims Backbiting and gossip

In my entire life, i knew most people having this bad habit, all time long. Hearing people talking shit as always.
And I'm still gonna only talk about muslims about backbiting and gossip.
I wanna talk about a personal experience with a "muslim" woman, or maybe a woman who's pretending to be muslim of which I met in a cab.

it happened few years ago I'd say 3 and a half year maybe, I was going somewhere took a cab, and then there was this woman which wanted a cab too, so she got inside the same car. The whole conversation took like 20 minutes, till I reached the place i was going to.

I dunno how did it start, but that woman was with a Veil (hijab) on her head, which lots of "muslim" women put that on. So anyway, the way she talks with always mentioning god, "thanks god I'm fine" etc etc..
she started talking about a girl which isn't more than 15 years old, she started saying
that girl is talking to a guy all time long
she talks on the phone with him.
her parents give her money and she waste them on her phone calls with this guy.
her parents barely have enough money to educate her, and look how she's spending this money!
her parents take the food off their mouths to give their girl money, and she's wasting them on that guy.
this girl is doing lots of bad stuff with this guy..
this girl ONLY GOD knows what's she doing. she's maybe even sleeping with that guy.
and lots of other shit she said, but i can't remember everything.

and the cab driver was agreeing with her all the way, saying oh yes this is true.

she didn't stop talking, where she fucked my brains out.
so I came in the middle and told her:
what THE FUCK do you have to do with that girl???
are you her mother and nobody knows??
are you her parents?
it's not your fucking business, her mother and father are happy with her this way.
When she’s your daughter go ahead and stop her.
it's not your concern to keep saying shit all about her.
and hey, since you’re wearing this Veil on your head and I assume you're a muslim, you should've known by now that "Backbiting and gossip" is FORBIDDEN in islam, and hey, you know what you just did? You were just committing a taboo!
so how about you leave the fuck people alone and mind your own fucking business!

she said: oh no I wasn't talking bad about her, I was trying to give a piece of an advice! 

I was like: a piece of an advice? where the fuck was that? all I heard was making that poor girl look like a slut, as if you're not as near as that with saying all this shit about her!

(back then I had a long hair of which she tried to use as an example)
she said: no no, for example you have long hair, and let's say you're on drugs, it's my duty to advice you to leave drugs..
I answered: there's a big difference between advising me, by talking to me alone, and saying SHIT about me to everybody that I'm on drug. and I'm sure you're gonna do the second option, while saying "I was giving an advise".

she again said: no no, let me give you an example about my self. I'm a woman, which is 35 years old, "divorced" with 2 girls (I thought in mind: baaaaad move :D)
and lots of people talk bad about me, that I go from a man to another just because I work as a sales woman..

at this point I stopped listening to what else she was trying to say and only those few lines got stuck in my head lol.

and I told her: well well well, divorced? and people say shit about you? oh no.. that's too bad, but... how about you stop talking shit about others, so others would stop talking shit about you? fair enough isn’t it ?
or maybe you can keep saying shit about others with this taboo "Backbiting and gossip" and others would remain doing the same, and then none of you which claim to be muslim will ever be.
and hey you know what? muslim nation is being screwed and stepped on its head with boots by the west, because of people like you, the most sick people I've ever seen.

so then I reached my place, I had to leave her in that cab with the taxi driver to agree with her points of views.

for me, I think, and I'm sure it'll happen, if Backbiting and gossip remains between these people (muslims), nobody needs to end up muslims, cause they will end them selves up and disappear on their own with all of their corruption especially religion corruption.
each person has his own point of view, so this is mine, so for people who don't like how I see things, don't bother reading, and stay the fuck away.

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